Research Projects
We support more than 60 projects, through research, training and financial commitments. Our funding is channelled through the RMRD SA, this organisation function as administrators for the research funds.
The RMRD SA has a comprehensive website with detailed information about how funding can be applied for, the focus areas under which one has to apply, details about projects, past and present, all of which are funded through this channel.
The MIT, since its inception and until the levy was instituted, was a major contributor to the operations of NERPO and SAMIC. In 2005 the Minister approved a levy for the Red Meat Industry and consequently 20% of it is earmarked for transformation. The levy is administered by the Red Meat Industry Forum through a service provider.
NERPO is one of the service providers who benefits from the part of the levy funds which are allocated to transformation.
Learnerships are the route to follow in order for a learner to achieve the qualification. A learnership takes a year to complete and combines theoretical and practical work experience.
A person who successfully completes a learnership acquires a qualification that signifies occupational competence and is nationally recognized.
Emerging Farmer Support
The MIT, since its inception and until the levy was instituted, was a major contributor to the operations of NERPO and SAMIC. In 2005 the Minister approved a levy for the Red Meat Industry and consequently 20% of it is earmarked for transformation. The levy is administered by the Red Meat Industry Forum through a service provider.
NERPO is one of the service providers who benefits from the part of the levy funds which are allocated to transformation.
Bursary Scheme
The MIT decided in 2007 to devote funds for postgraduate bursaries; the bursaries were awarded to MSc and PhD studies in some aspect of red meat. The bursaries were to the value of R50 000 per annum for 2 years (MSc) and 3 years (PhD). Currently the value of the bursaries are R60 000 per annum.
The applications and allocations are administered by a Bursary Working Committee which is a sub-committee of the MIT. A trustee and a member of the NAMC serve as observer in the committee. Initially enrollments were mainly white females based on applications received, however allocations has since improved with more black students opting to apply for funding to perform postgraduate studies.