History of the RMRDT

Research and Development (R & D) has alwasy been important to the Red Meat Industry. Contributions to R & D were made through the Meat Board until it was dissolved. Various individual organisations like cattle breeders’ associations, SAMIC (South African Meat Industry Company) and the RMRDT. Since 2006, the RMIF (Red Meat Industry Forum of SA) contributed financially to R & D concerned with red meat production processes and products derived from red meat-producing livestock.

RMRD SA’s role

The Red Meat Research and Development South Africa (RMRD SA) is the service provider. The RMRDT provides funds for research based on a proposed budget each year. This fund is carefully managed by the RMRD SA.

Trustees’ Role

  • Manage the financial affairs, including proper investment of funds;
  • Approve the project budget as presented by the planning committees;
  • Make funds available for the research projects to be conducted by the research institutions;
  • Ensure the execution of research

RMRDT Trustees

RMRDT fund

Maintain proportion of initial capital from the various species’ when financing projects for the various sectors as follows:

  • Beef 65.67%
  • Small-stock 15.28%
  • Pork 9.02%
  • Hides, Skins and Leather 10.03%

If more than one “species” are benefiting from the research, funds are allocated proportionally from the funds of the “species” concerned. In shortage of funds from a particular specis, the Planning Committees decides how to fund the project.

The RMRDT does not perform research but outsource the task to recognised Research Institutions. Institutes like the ARC (Agricultural Research Council), Universities and Provincial Departments of Agriculture.